the association of asia pacific performing arts centres annual conference 2018 | aotea centre

design team - ivan muller, angela gourdie

auckland live monthly event guide

design team - ivan muller, angela gourdie, gareth blackler

auckland live fringe town 2021  | auckland town hall  

design team - ivan muller, gareth blackler

the terrace cafe | aotea centre | auckland | 2020 

design team - ivan muller, angela gourdie | photography - ivan muller 

auckland live summer in the square | 2020 | aotea square | auckland

art direction and photography - ivan muller | design team - ivan muller, gareth blackler, daniel williams

auckland live fringe town | 2020 | auckland town hall | auckland

art direction and photography - ivan muller | videography - nicholas macdonald

new york’s complexions contemporary ballet | 2019 | the civic | auckland

design team - ivan muller, angela gourdie | photography - ivan muller

auckland live summer in the square | 2018 | aotea square, auckland

art direction and event photography - ivan muller | design team - ivan muller, alessandra banal, angela gourdie | campaign photography -  fraser chatham

auckland live kids | 2018

design team - ivan muller, alessandra banal, angela gourdie | campaign photography -  sacha stejko 

auckland live kids | 2019

design team - ivan muller, alessandra banal, angela gourdie | campaign photography -  fraser chatham 

auckland live kids | 2020

design team - ivan muller, gareth blackler, angela gourdie | campaign photography -  ivan muller 

auckland live cabaret | 2019

art direction and campaign photography - ivan muller | design team - gareth blackler, angela gourdie, fraser williams   

a gala in the presence of dame kiri te kanawa | 2019 | aotea centre, auckland

art direction and  event photography - ivan muller | design team - ivan muller, angela gourdie, gareth blackler, fraser williams